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The 1st International Conference on Ports took place in 2017 and had the theme "Maritime Port Transport - Challenges and Expectations". The event was highly praised both for the organization and for the topics that were discussed, with emphasis on the participation of authorities and recognized professionals in the port sector, such as Dr. Jose Luis Estrada Llaquet, Dr. Fernando Cruz Goncalves, Dr. Eduardo Silva Martins and Dr. Shuo Ma. Scheduled to take place again in 2019, unfortunately the Conference ended up not being held, mainly due to the effects of the Pandemic, however the event project was resumed by its creators.


This year, the 2nd International Conference on Ports has as its theme “Good Governance Practices in the Port Sector”, the theme was chosen due to the recent movements adopted by organizations in the search and adoption of good Management practices. A large part of this demand was motivated by the need to reduce corporate risks, by the need to adopt policies aimed at greater social and environmental responsibility and, of course, to generate growth in business valuation. 

This year's event will feature the participation of renowned authorities, scholars and professionals from the port sector, with emphasis on the return of international authorities such as Dr. Eduardo Silva Martins (Director of ISCIA - Portugal) and Dr. Shuo Ma (Vice-President of WMU - World Maritime University), in addition to the participation of recognized professionals on the national scene such as Dr. Luciana Mattar (Federal Councilor of the OAB and President of the National Customs Law Commission), the CEO of Vports Mr. Ilson Hulle, former president of Codesa Luiz Cláudio Santana Montenegro and Dr Juliana Porchat. 

Specifically with regard to the Port sector, this search was driven by the recent events of the last 15 years, with emphasis on the changes in the sector's regulatory frameworks, the higher level of investments and the recent process of concession of terminals with the private sector, including the concession from a port authority. Based on these considerations, the 2nd International Portus Conference will promote a broad debate, especially among speakers, professionals and other participants, through the proposed themes, with a view to seeking alternative solutions, good practices adopted, new technologies and other actions adopted by organizations that work with the port sector, whether national or international.

We expect all of you, whether professionals, authorities, personalities, businessmen, students or anyone else interested in the port sector. 

A big hug to everyone !

Sergio Itaborahy Vianna


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Dr. Shuo Ma 
Professor Dr. Shuo Ma is Vice President of WMU (World Maritime University), with four Master's programs and 5 PG Diploma out of Malmo base, world-renowned expert in Port Management, Director of two Master's programs in the People's Republic of China . PhD in Economics from the University of Paris.


Dr. Eduardo da Silva Martins 
Degree in Finance from ISCEF. Master in Development and International Cooperation by ISEG. Attendance of the Doctoral Program in Applied Business Management, at ISCTE-IUL, at INDEG Business School; Teaching Coordinator at ISCIA, responsible for the Department of Marine Technologies (DETMAR), Coordinator of the Master's Degree in Port Management; he was Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Instituto Portuário e dos Transportes Marítimos, Member of the Board of Directors of the Port of Lisbon, Member of the Board of Directors of the European Maritime Safety Agency



Ilson Hulle 
With a degree in International Relations and a specialization in Business Logistics and Finance, he has more than 20 years of experience in the management of large scale logistics operations. In his professional career, he has led large companies: Log-In Logística, Louis Dreyfus Company, Tegram and Gerdau. CEO of Vports, Ilson is responsible for the Private Management of the new Port of Vitória, whose work has been based on strengthening the logistical link, connecting the different modes and, above all, expanding economic development


Luciana Mattar Vilela Nemer  
Attorney. Judge of TRE/ES. Federal Counselor of the OAB. President of the National Customs Law Commission. President of the Maritime, Port and Customs Law Commission of the OAB/ES. Specialist in Maritime, Port and Customs Law. Specialist in Tax Law. Graduate professor.


Luis Claudio Santana Montenegro 
Graduated in Civil Engineering from UFES, Master in Transport Engineering from IME, Specialist in Occupational Safety Engineering and in Planning, Management and Operations in Transport Corridors, in Port Marketing and in Land Transport Regulation from UFRJ. Specialist in Land Transport Regulation at ANTT since 2002, he was Director of Systems and Port Information at SEP, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Companhia Docas do Pará and responsible for the National Port Logistics Plan – PNLP and for the Federal Government’s Port Technology projects , such as Paperless Port, Intelligent Logistics Chain and VTMIS, Director of Strategic Planning and Control of Companhia Docas do Estado de São Paulo - CODESP / Port of Santos, Manager of Institutional Articulation and Executive Superintendent of the National Land Transport Agency - ANTT, President from Companhia Docas do Espírito Santo - CODESA (Port of Vitória), Parliamentary Advisor to the Federal Senate. He is currently responsible for the Integration of Industry Interests in the State of Espírito Santo - FINDES.

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Juliana Porchat de Assis

Partner responsible for the Tax Planning, Transactional and International Operations area at FAS Advogados. With extensive experience in Tax Law and a career in renowned law firms and the Big Four, Juliana has participated in several M&A operations and corporate reorganizations and was leader of global tax reorganization projects for foreign and Brazilian multinationals. Juliana has a solid academic background in the Tax area, an MBA in Finance from the Else School of Management at Millsaps – USA and a postgraduate degree in Business Law from the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo (PUC-SP).

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Jovacy Peter

Graduated in Law from the Federal University of Espírito Santo (UFES). Master in Criminal Law from the University of São Paulo (USP) and PhD candidate in Political and Economic Law from Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie (UPM). Regional Coordinator of the Brazilian Institute of Economic Criminal Law (IBDPE). Lawyer active in the criminal, corporate investigations and compliance areas, founding partner of the law firm Peter Filho, Sodré, Rebouças e Sardenberg Advocacia.

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Maxwell Rodrigues

Businessman, specialized in process management, writer, port consultant, technical commentator on several radios, TV presenter, mediator of specialized events in ports and columnist in print media. 

Maxwell Rodrigues is also an executive of the PORTO 360 platform of the Tribuna Group and featured on the first program about port on TV Globo's schedule. He has more than 3,000 articles published in the most diverse specialized media in the port sector. He is considered today the biggest port influencer in Brazil.

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Angelo Baptista

Graduado em Economia pela UERJ, MBA em Finanças pelo IBMEC / RJ e diversos cursos de especialização em logística e gestão em instituições como USP, FGV, Fundação Dom Cabral, APEC (Bélgica), INSEAD (França), Nevada University (EUA) e NKTS (Japão). Ex-Presidente da CODESA (porto de Vitória). Atualmente é empresario e consultor na área de logística.

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